Chickens for Kimaru






Ten-year-old Kimaru dreams of becoming an aeronautical engineer, despite living in a Nairobi slum. His life takes a challenging turn after his father’s passing. When his mother struggles to afford his school fees, Kimaru takes matters into his own hands. He apprentices with a local chicken farmer, determined to earn the necessary funds. Will Kimaru succeed in securing his education? Original title: Kippen voor Kimaru


Written and directed by Anne van Campenhout and Eriss Khajira. Edited by Anne van Campenhout. Broadcasted by EO-IKON as an episode Mensjesrechten (Just Kids).


Chickens for Kimaru screened on 156 Dutch schools as the campaign video for Sirkelslag 2016, followed by a fund raising campaign to supplement Kimaru’s school fees. It also screened on schools in the UK as part of the Take One Action program and on schools in Turkey as part of the EU Human Rights Film Days. The film won Best Documentary Award on both the Chicago International Film Festival and the Children’s Film Festival Seattle. Moreover, it was nominated for the Best Report Award by Free Press Unlimited.


Anne van Campenhout en Eriss Khajira maakten een relevante mini-doc die kinderen confronteert met het leven – en overleven – van leeftijdsgenoten in de derde wereld. Vaardig gemaakt en vlot gemonteerd. Geen zielige-kinderen-televisie maar een respectvol portret waarin juist de zelfredzaamheid van de jeugdige persoon verbeeld wordt. De film geeft houvast aan hen die een patroon willen doorbreken.” – Jury verdict Free Press Unlimited

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